Freight forwarders and 3Pl’s who have outstanding charges for their transportation services need to move quickly to recover these charges because taking time to do so, may be fatal to…
Tag: <span>U.S. Federal</span>
Generally speaking, foreign companies (e.g. Delaware or other non-N.Y. corporations or companies) that are doing business in New York are required to register with N.Y. Department of State. N.Y. BCL §…
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Some attorneys to this day commence action relying on CPLR § 213 six year statute of limitations for breach of contracts (or torts) in the airline transportation industry. However, under…
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In Eunique v. Powell, 9th Circuit concluded that passport denial, and therefore, freedom of international travel that comes with it, does not violate Fifth Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection…
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New York Supreme Court in Brooklyn considered the legality of practice by NYC Department of Corrections continued detention of defendants – based on a civil immigration detainer – notwithstanding the…
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Today, a panel of Judges from the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York (EDNY) put together a very effective presentation for the current U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. …
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Attorneys in the New York City area should be aware of gathering opportunities organized by Center for Constitutional Rights. Once such gathering – CCR’s First Wednesdays – took place last night…
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An interesting practice by some of insurance industry members came to the attention of our office. Affordable Care Act (also known as “Obamacare”) includes a provision, under § 1341 (see…
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The Sentencing Guidelines are issued by the serious group of learned individuals within U.S. Sentencing Commission. It is difficult to pass by a website, with a loud name Sentencing Us…
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Children born to parents that are not married is the ever increasing modern phenomena in our industrialized world. Many societies are changing their views and disfavor discrimination among children born…
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