An interesting practice by some of insurance industry members came to the attention of our office. Affordable Care Act (also known as “Obamacare”) includes a provision, under § 1341 (see…
Law Office of Yuri Starikov, LLC Posts
The Sentencing Guidelines are issued by the serious group of learned individuals within U.S. Sentencing Commission. It is difficult to pass by a website, with a loud name Sentencing Us…
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Children born to parents that are not married is the ever increasing modern phenomena in our industrialized world. Many societies are changing their views and disfavor discrimination among children born…
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As a part of the asylum process, applicants go through the interview, where USCIS officers ask questions and take notes. If things go well for the applicant, and the asylum…
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The American Bar Association made a substantial progress to ease the burden on defense attorneys by making available the search database – National Inventory of the Collateral Consequences Of Conviction…
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When Mr. Kimmel held a Trial Techniques Practice Law Series at NYCLA, he made an interesting comment that some practitioners may find helpful. Jeffrey Kimmel outlined the importance of Pattern…
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CBP Officers have a wide degree of discretion in deciding whether to admit one’s entry into the United States. Visa alone may not get you in. Therefore, some visitors may wish…
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At some point, entities engaged in international trade would have to make a contract, which would govern terms and specify details of the transaction. The contract would normally outline, in…
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American Bar Association (ABA) offers free membership for one year to all U.S. newly admitted attorneys. While membership itself is free, however, joining many of the committees is not. But,…
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I attended The New York City Bar event dedicated to informing public about legislative and judicial process available to victims of sex trafficking that allows these victims to get rid…
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