I. Introduction Under current immigration laws the unsanctioned entry in the United States is a crime and those who have entered unlawfully are subject to deportation.[1] Aliens that are able…
Law Office of Yuri Starikov, LLC Posts
It appears that in New York, “retainer agreement” and “letter of engagement” are designed to accomplish the same purpose: (1) cover scope of legal services or the nature of representation,…
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This article explores what it takes to comply with New York and New Jersey continuing legal education (CLE) requirements from the perspective of the New Jersey barred attorney who lives…
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Second Department made it mandatory for all prospective attorneys to attend Orientation to the Profession program. Part of the program included the lecture attendance, while the other part was to…
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This article explores frictions that arise from law practice in a particular jurisdiction by attorneys not admitted in that jurisdiction. States of the Union (U.S.A.) are very protective about who…
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Newly admitted NJ attorneys have three important requirements to maintain their eligibility to practice law in New Jersey: continuing legal education (CLE), bona fide office requirement, and the annual payment…
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NYCLA’s Criminal Justice Section had an interesting presentation about bail system in the New York City on December 8, 2011. According to one of the panelist, Mary Phillips, the monetary…
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